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Native American Flute,

Native American-Style Flute, and

American Indian Flute Makers



Please Note: A listing in this directory does not constitute an endorsement. Research a flute maker prior to making a purchase.


Cultural Note: Generally speaking, a "Native American flute" is a contemporary instrument made by a tribally-enrolled craftsperson. A "Native American-style" flute is a contemporary instrument made by a craftsperson who is not Native American in heritage and not tribally-enrolled. An "American Indian flute"

is a traditionally-made instrument crafted by a tribally-enrolled flute maker. To show compliance with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 and its subsequent amendments, flute makers should and do indicate

the category of instrument that he or she crafts.


4HIM Flutes - Flute Maker: Harold Chambers
Description: Native American-style flutes, drones, unique tunings, pentatonic minor, meditation

4 Winds Custom Flutes - Flute Maker: Brad Young
Description: Biographical information, flutes for sale, CDs for sale

Anasazi Dream Flutes - Flute Maker: Mark Purtill
Description: Modern versions of ancient flutes and folk flutes. Anasazi-style flutes, Mojave-style flutes, mediation flutes, Namasté flutes, Native American-style flutes, diatonic rim-blown flutes, transverse flute, biography, CDs; Etsy Store:

Bedford Avenue Flutes - Flute Maker: Mark Bickett
Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, biographical information, flute gallery, local lesson information, show schedule, shop pictures


Blackfeather Flutes - Flute Maker: Gary Hanson

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale and custom orders

Branch Singer Flutes - Flute Maker: AJ Taranto

Description: Specializing in making Native American-style flutes from natural branches. Every flute sold comes with a Lifetime Warranty.

Buffalo Moon Flutes - Flute Maker: Keith Glowka
Description: Flutes made from bison horns with Native American-style tuning, and ceramic didgeridoos

and udus

Butch Hall Flutes - Flute Maker: Butch Hall
Description: Biography, flutes, books, and CDs for sale, order information, and photographs of Butch making flutes in his shop

Catahoula Flutes - Flute Maker: Rand Rowe
Description: Native American-style flutes, biographical information, flute history

Cora Flutes - Flute Maker: Jake Cohara

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, gallery, biography,

Coyote Oldman Music - Flute Maker: Michael Graham Allen
Description: Native American flutes, replicas, rim-blown flutes, CDs for sale, biographical information,


Crazy Bear Flutes - Flute Maker: Bob Carlson
Description: Flutes for sale in hardwoods, softwoods, and exotic woods; policies and warranty information

Offers 15% Discount to World Flute Society Members

Custom Flute Shop - Flute Maker: Jeff Calavan
Description: Biography, Dream flutes, Carved Spirit Ends flutes, block designs, endorsements, custom flutes, order information, flute repair

dg Hatch Flutes - Flute Maker: dg Hatch
Description: Native American flutes for sale, biography, photo galleries, news, blog

Dreamwind Flutes - Flute Maker: Lee Entrekin
Description: Native American-style flutes and drones, custom orders, flute definitions, Jack Thomas


Dryad Flutes - Flute Maker: John Sherman
Description: Festival schedule, audio samples, CDs for sale, flute gallery, flutes for sale, testimonials

Eaglewing Flutes New Zealand - Flute Maker: Ray Watchman

Description: Maker biogrpahy, Native American-style flutes

Eagle Wind Flutes - Flute Maker: Jonathan Maracle
Description: Hand crafted traditional Native American flutes and drums, CD

Ellis Flutes - Flute Maker: Geoffrey Ellis
Description: Flutes for sale, sound samples, biography, endorsements

Farpoint Flutes - Flute Maker: Lee Nix
Description: Biographical information, flutes for sale, photo gallery, video and audio samples, flute key

sound samples, testimonials
Offers 10% Discount to World Flute Society Members

Fire Flutes - Flute Maker: Craig Noss
Description: Awards, flutes

Flanagan's Native American-Style Flutes - Flute Maker: Charles Flanagan
Description: Making flutes since 1995, phone: 951-741-0155

Flauta Nativa Ashar - Flute Maker: Ralph Ashar
Description: The voice of nature in bamboo flutes! Handmade flute of all tribes!

Flautas De Amor - Flute Maker: Daniel Gutierrez (Colombia, South America)
Description: Native American flutes for sale

Flutes by Nash - Flute Maker: Nash Tavewa
Description: Native American-style flutes, double flutes, clay flutes, ocarinas and whistles, drums, death whistle, CDs

Flutewalker Native American-Style Flutes - Flute Maker: Werner John
Description: Flutes for sale, CDs for sale, events, news, calendar, biographical information, video sample

Fretwell Flutes
Description: Flutes for sale, audio samples, CDs for sale, flute bags, instruction books

Green Grass Flutes - Flute Maker: Geri LittleJohn
Description: Traditional Woodlands Native American flutes

Hawk Henries
Description: Eastern Woodlands flutes and music, biographical information, philosophy, highlights, testimonials, flutes for sale, flute making workshops, education presentations, performances, interfaith events, composition projects, workshops

Heartsong Flutes - Flute Maker: J.P. Gomez
Description: Flutes for sale, endorsements, instruction and care, CD for sale

Heart Song Flutes (Canada) - Flute Maker: Rommy Verlaan
Description: Biographical information, about the flutes, flute gallery, testimonials, flute care

High Spirits Flutes - Flute Maker: Odell Borg
Description: Native American flutes, ocarinas, hoop drums, songbooks, CDs, DVDs, flute package deals, flute stands, bags and cases, flute care kits, video, playing tips, newsletter, blog

Offers 10% Discount to World Flute Society Members


Jim's Flutes - Flute Maker: Jim Verrelli
Description: Flutes for sale, CD for sale, wooden flute care and use, beginner flute care and use, a flute is born, appearance schedule

Jon Norris Music and Arts - Flute Maker: Jon Norris
Description: Flutes for sale, folk string instruments for sale, kalimbas, moyo drums, flute bags, guitar slides, blog, biographical information, show schedule

KunKuMan Flutes - Flute Maker: Jhon Cañón

Description: Native American-style flutes; acestral flutes (rim-blown flutes); Basketmaker replica flute; neys; drums; workshops, retreats, and journeys; photos; sounds; videos; review

Laughing Crow Flutes - Flute Maker: Richard Maynard
Description: Native American-style flutes, instructional materials, CDs, downloads, gallery, soundfiles

Laughing Mallard Custom Flute Shop - Flute Maker: Jeff Calavan

Description: Flute maker biography, instrument quality wood, dream flutes, custom painting, custom blocks, carved spirit flute ends, endorsements, ordering information

Little Raven Flutes - Flute Maker: Jeremy Baer
Description: Pendant flutes, Native American flute-ocarina hybrids, divided-bore double flutes, custom Native American flutes, flute making workshops, flute photo gallery

Magic Wind Flutes - Flute Maker: Chuck Pavey
Description: Native American-style flutes for sale (Plains, custom, drones, Woodlands), information about the flute, about the maker

Makwa Flutes - Flute Maker: Steve Rensink

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, biography, shop photos, testimonials, blog

Meadowlark Flutes - Flute Maker: John Kulias
Description: Ceramic Native American-style flutes for sale with various glazing techniques, biography,

news, events

Mike Turner Flutes
Description: Biographical information, Native American-style (Pueblo) rim-blown flutes for sale

Mosom Flutes (Canada)- Flute Maker: Ned Bear (Plains Cree)
Description: Traditional Native American flutes for sale, biographical information, masks, pawakan: spirit guides, audio samples

Mountain Spirits Flutes - Flute Makers: Danny Bigay and Kay LittleJohn
Description: Biography, flutes and CDs for sale, ordering information, links, news

Mystic Flutes - Flute Maker: Jim Bixel
Description: Flute gallery, flutes for sale


Native Sunrise Flutes - Flute Maker - Ron Stutz
Description: Native American-style flutes

Natural Winds Flutes - Flute Maker: Bob Nelson

Northern Arapaho Flutes - Flute Maker: Herb Welsh
Description: Native American flutes for sale

Nothos Natural Music - Flute Maker: Ken Talaga

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, rattles, original music available

Otter Lake Native American-Style Flutes - Flute Maker: Jeff Burris

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, video samples, flute maker biography, playing instructions

Peaceful Heart Creations - Flute Maker: Joey Carroll

Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, photo gallery, flute-making photos, poems

Offers 15% Discount to World Flute Society Members

Peaceful Spirit Flutes - Retailer: Terry Mack
Description: Native American-style flutes, flute bags

Prana Flutes Belgium - Flute Maker: Raffaello Hendrickx
Description: About his flute making, Native American-style flutes, gallery, sheet music, scales, fingering charts, care and maintenance, flute lessons

Querencia Woodwinds - Flute Maker: Rich Halliburton
Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, biographical information, blog, testimonials

15% Discount for World Flute Society Members

Rain Spirit Flutes - Flute Maker: Rick Svitzer
Description: Flutes, flute stands, and flute bags

Rambling Flutes - Flute Maker: Joe Silvia
Description: Handmade Native American-style branch flutes tuned to A=440; E-mail:

Raum Music - Flute Maker: Eric Raum

Description: Copper Native American-style flutes, learn to play the copper flute videos, collector's circle

Redbird Flutes - Flute Maker: Roger Bennett
Description: Flutes for sale, flute guide, news, about Redbird Flutes

Richard T. Anderson Native American Flutes
Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, made from cherry, walnut, Western red cedar, sassafras, and red oak

Rising Moon Flutes - Flute Maker: David O'Neal
Description: Native American-style flutes for sale, audio samples, flute gallery, show schedule, biographical information, awards information

Sevenwinds Flutes - Flute Maker: Michael Fuger
Description: Native American-style flutes, flute care and maintenance, how to play the flute, flute

resources, how does a flute work, flute construction, biographical information

Shades of Rez Custom Flutes - Flute Maker: Tim Blueflint
Description: Flute maker biography, photo gallery, flutes for sale, links


Slowrise Music - Flute Maker: Paul Nelson

Description: Flute maker's story, Native American-style flutes

Southern Cross Flutes (New Zealand) - Flute Maker: Todd Chaplin
Description: Flutes for sale, video tutorials, flute lessons, flute retreat information, biographical

information, audio files, books, CDs, flute cases, hand drums, testimonials


Spiral Winds Flutes - Jack Darnell

Description: Musician, writer, and Native American-style flute maker

Spirit Winds Flutes (Australia) - Flute Makers: Tony and Deb Richards
Description: Biographical information, flutes for sale, blog, CDs for sale, Outback sax, testimonials, audio samples, flute circle

Spirit World Flutes - Flute Maker: Lee Westover
Description: Artisan crafted Native American-style flutes for sale, flute wax, frequently asked questions,

flute maker bio

Stellar Flutes – Flute Makers: Tom and Lily Stewart
Description: Flutes for sale, Native American-style flutes, Middle Eastern-style flutes, drone flutes, flute making kits, video tutorials

Offers 15% Discount to World Flute Society Members

Stonelaughter Flutes (United Kingdom) - Flute Maker: Tom Kelsall
Description: Flutes for sale, sold flute gallery, flute history, flute mechanics

Sun Dog Flute Works - Flute Maker: Kent Bush
Description: Biographical information, flute care, flute information, flutes for sale

Suzanne Jean Flutes - Flute Maker: Carl Gullang
Description: Flutes for sale, audio samples

Temple Wind Flutes - Flute Maker: Craig Paterson
Description: Handcrafted drone, meditation flutes and ocarinas

Theodore Ceplina Flutes
Description: American Indian replicas, instrument repair, quenas, Native American flutes, photos,


Tom Gustin
Description: Maker of traditional handmade flutes

Tree of Life Designs - Flute Maker: Ed Dougherty
Description: Biographical information, flute care, flutes for sale, blog

Uguna Flutes - Flute Maker: Geoff Norman
Description: Flutes for sale, links. photos, bio

White Crow Flutes - Flute Maker: Barry Higgins
Description: Website of White Crow Flutes

Wispa Flutes - Flute Maker: Steve Carpenter
Description: Hand-crafted bamboo Native American-style flutes

Woodsounds Flutes - Flute Maker: Brent Haines
Description: Flutes and flute accessories for purchase, design-a-flute option, newsletters, flute care, finger charts, sheet music, flute festivals, videos, testimonials

WrenSong Flutes - Flute Maker: Judy Robinson
Description: Native American-style flutes made from wood and tree branches; also makes kanteles; PDF ebooks for Native American flute and ukulele; biographical information

Yazzie Native American Flutes - Flute Maker: Marvin Yazzie
Description: Native American flutes, photos

Makers of Irish Flutes and Whistles


Abell Flute Company - Flute Maker: Chris Abell
Description: Boehm-system blackwood flutes with sterling silver keywork; blackwood-and-silver whistles

in several keys

Casey Burns 
Description: Flute and bagpipe maker

Copley Flutes - Flute Makers: David Copley and Marlene Boegli
Description: Flute catalog, Boehm headjoints, biographical information, care instructions, sound clips,

photo gallery

Folkers and Powell Baroque Flutes
Description: Six- and eight-key wooden flutes

The Flute Maker - Flute Maker: Tyrone Head
Description: Specializing in exotic hardwood fipple flutes; an Irish whistle with the sound and feel of

quality; video and sound samples; flute construction; flute stand; also makes silver fipple flutes

The Irish Flute Store - Retailer: Blayne Chastain
Description: Irish flutes, Irish whistles, flutes, Native American flutes, pipes, cases, other instruments,

CDs, tutorials

John Gallagher (304-636-8688)
Description: Maker of wooden flutes, several models available

Martin Doyle
Description: Flute maker since 1983

McNeela Music Instruments

Description: Irish flutes, keyed flutes, silver flutes, keyless flutes, tin whistles, recorders,

Parks Whistles - Owner: Carey Parks
Description: Whistles for sale, gig bags, hats, cases, racks, blog, playing instructions, and more

Patrick Olwell
Description: Makes keyless and keyed simple-system flutes in D, C, Bb, and other keys, styled after Rudall

& Rose, Nicholson, and Pratten Perfected

Peter Aschenbrenner
Description: Maker of wooden Irish concert flutes, wooden whistles, low whistles, bamboo flutes, and

various bodhran sticks

Peter Noy Flutes
Description: Keyed and keyless flutes for Irish music, Baroque and Classical flutes, wood headjoints for Boehm flutes

PG Bleazey Woodwinds - Flute Maker: Phil Bleazey
Description: Maker of simple system flutes based on Rudall Rose, with or without keys; wooden whistles

and recorders

Skip Healy
Description: Keyed and keyless flutes with sterling silver tenons and sleeves; based on a Boosey Pratten Perfected, but with radical alterations to tone holes, embouchure, and head joint design

Terry McGee (Australia)
Description: Makes flutes for Irish, classical, and early music; repairs and restorations, finger charts,

wooden flute plans, comprehensive historical flute study information, flute research, flute innovations, biographical information


Weston Whistles

Description: Handmade wood and aluminum whistles, tabor whistles, the brand's whistle story, sound clips,

Windward Flutes - Flute Makers: Forbes and Yola Christie
Description: Biographical information, design, craftsmanship, restoration and repairs, Windward Pratten, keyless Pratten, Windward combo, keyed Pratten, Windward C flute

Makers of Central and

South American Flutes 


Enrique Rueda
Description: World music performer of unique instruments and multimedia artist; biography; art video;

great quena maker - Flute Maker: Tyrone Head
Description: Quena for contemporary and Andean folk music; specializing in exotic hardwood Peruvian flutes; video and sound samples; quena construction; playing instruction; maintenance

Quena Mall - Flute Maker: Angel Sampedro
Description: Offering a wide variety of professional premium quenas made of fine woods and distinct

bamboo species. We also offer shakuhachis, bamboo recorders, flute bags, and sheet music for quena
15% discount to World Flute Society members. Use code WFS2017 at check out

Xavier Quijas Yxayotl
Description: Mayan music and clay flutes and ocarinas; biography; performance history/schedule; achievements; video

Makers of Asian Flutes



Josen Shakuhachi - Flute Maker: Jon Kypros (Dai Shihan)

Description: Handcrafted shakuhachi for sale, instruction, creator of  The Bell Shakuhachi, videos,

author of Your Shakuhachi Journey

One World Flutes - Retailer: Kirti L. Shah
Description: Large selection of bansuris, fine quality flutes that reflect professional concert standards, customized bansuris available

Ricardo Zapata Shidoshi
Description: Maker of shakuhachi

Tai Hei Shakuhachi - Flute Maker/Retailer: Monty Levenson
Description: Shakuhachis for sale, endorsements, accessories, repair and restoration, playing guides and books, sheet music, CDs, DVDs, videos, photos, tools, bamboo

Yung Flutes - Flute Maker: Perry Yung
Description: Traditional Zen and modern shakuhachis for sale, repair and restoration services, guides and videos, blog, biographical information

Makers of Maori Flutes



Jade and Bone - Flute Makers/Instrument Makers: Brian Flintoff and Clem Mellish
Description: Biographical information, artist gallery, sound gallery, instruments for purchase, wearable art

Neptunes - Flute/Instrument Maker: Robbie
Description: Robbie is of Maori descent and creates the koauau (flute) and the putatara (trumpet)

Makers of Overtone Flutes,

Fujara, and Kavals

Max Brumberg Flutes
Description: Makes overtone flutes, fujara, double flutes, Moldavian and Turkish kavals, Native American-style flutes, multi-tuned triple flutes, Algoze/Satara double flutes, hiking-stick flutes, hornpipes; gallery, CDs, audio and video samples, playing techniques, testimonials, performance schedule

Winne Clement
Description: Makes fujaras, overtone flutes, double flutes, Moldavian kavals, Native American style flutes, experimental flutes, biographical information, testimonials, gallery

Makers of Ocarinas

Hind Musical Instruments
Description: Wooden sweet potato ocarinas, inline ocarinas, ocarina flutes, mouth organs, African

Mahogany cases, rhythm rocks, photo gallery, videos, historical information, finger charts, care

instructions, free songs, biographical information

Stonewhistle, Breathtaking Ceramic Flutes
Description: Offering a range of ceramic flutes: ocarinas, zenflutes, huacas, innato

Xavier Quijas Yxayotl
Description: Mayan music and clay flutes and ocarinas; biography; performance history/schedule; achievements; video

Makers of Middle Eastern Flutes

Arab Instruments
Description: Original and handmade instruments; free worldwide shipping; music samples of all

instruments; ney/kawala, qanun, darbuka, oud, riq, oud tuner, forum, blog, reviews

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