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Performers of the

Native American Flute


Adam Hawkins
Description: Biographical information, services, performance schedule, videos

Al Jewer
Description: Photos, videos, discography, stories, reviews, CDs for sale


Ann Licater
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, discography, workshops

Arvel Bird
Description: Performance schedule, booking, biographical information, music store, MP3 store, CD booklets, blog, video samples, photos, press/media

Bobb Fantauzzo
Description: Performance schedule, CDs for sale, JazZen ensemble, reviews

Cornell Kinderknecht
Description: CDs for sale, performance schedule, classes offered, biographical information, photos, videos, online lessons

David R. Maracle
Description: Biographical information, CDs for sale, original stone carvings, traditional flutes available, videos, concerts and workshops, accomplishments, tranquility and wellness packages, performance

schedule, merchandise

Earthsong Voyage

Duo: Jamie and Joe Empert

Description: Biography, Photos, Videos, CDs for sale, store, shows

Ellen L. Saunders
Description: Silvan Sampler CD - Native and world flute fusion with guitar accompaniment; audio

samples; contact information; CD sales and classes

Gareth Laffely
Description: Biography, CDs for sale, videos, performance schedule, flutes for sale, photos

George Pendred

Description: Native American-style flutist from the United Kingdom, CDs for sale

James Marienthal
Description: Performer of Native American-style flutes, silver flutes, and bamboo flutes; audio samples, biography, inspiration, photos, reviews

Jamie Empert

Description: Biography, CD for sale, audio and video samples, performance schedule

Jan Michael Looking Wolf

Description: Biography, Videos, One Heart, CDs, backing tracks, audio samples, CD for sale, learn-to-play

Joe Yeatman

Description: Audio samples, CDs for sale, streaming, downloads, biographical information

John DeBoer
Description: Biography, CDs for sale, sound examples, photos, reviews

Joseph Firecrow
Description: Biographical information, CDs and DVDs for sale, performance schedule, photo gallery

Kathie Corley (Cerantha)
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, blog, CD available, photos

Ken Talaga (Nothos Natural Music)

Description: Performer of the Native American-style flute, digital downloads available


Kevin Locke (The Traditional Flute Voice of Indigenous America)
Description: Biographical information, news and articles, performance schedule, curriculum-based school programs, university, museum and library programs, Native American history, photo gallery, video, CDs

for sale

Larry Gindhart

Description: Music for meditation, comfort, and peace; Native American-style flutes, soundhealing,

videos, biography, reviews

Lex Nichols
Description: Biographical information, CDs and DVDs for sale, audio samples, reviews, blog,

performance schedule, photos, video


Liesbet Leroy

Description: Performer of the Native American-style flute; CDs for download

Mary Youngblood (First Lady of the Flute)
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, photo gallery, CDs for sale

Michael Graham Allen (Coyote Oldman)
Description: Native American flutes, replicas, rim-blown flutes, CDs for sale, biographical information,


Michael Searching Bear
Description: Biographical information, honors and awards, performance schedule, discography,

merchandise for sale, photo gallery, video samples, flute maker

Michael Weinstein

Description: CDs for sale, videos, gallery, Native American-style flute maker of the month

Painted Raven - Flutist: Holly Harris
Description: CDs for sale, biographies, photos, videos, performance schedule


Patrick Springer
Description: Song downloads, biographical information, performance schedule, photos

Paul Abbott

Description: Ethnic fusion/world music with a Native American influence; biographical information;

audio samples; digital downloads

Peter Phippen
Description: Biographical information, performances, CD purchase details, audio samples

R. Carlos Nakai
Description: Biographical information, discography, performance schedule, reviews, press; CDs for sale

Randy Granger
Description: CDs for sale, biographical information, performance schedule, booking information, press, photos, newsletter, videos

Randy "Windtalker" Motz
Description: Biographical information, CDs for sale, performance schedule, booking information,

press kit, reviews, photos, videos, music samples

Robin Gentlewolf

Description: Native American flutist, executive director of the Native American-Style Flute Awards,


Ron Bracale

Description: CD releases; music wisdom; photos, biography,

Ronald Roybal
Description: Biographical information, CDs and DVD for purchase, performance schedule, streaming

video, audio clips, photos, press kit

Russ Jones

Description: Biography, CDs for sale, performance schedule, photos, Native American-style flutes for sale, videos

Ryan Little Eagle Molina
Description: Biographical information, songs for download, videos, appearance schedule

Scott August
Description: Biographical information, CDs for sale, reviews, news, photos, performance schedule,

mailing list, blog

Silk and Stone (Dale Young and Patsy Cemeron)
Description: Collaborative, intuitive, spontaneous collaboration, Native American flute, keyboard, and


Stephen W. Emerick, Ph.D.
Description: Retreats, blog, calendar of events, full audio samples, biographical information, poetry, photo gallery, CDs for sale, press and reviews

Steve Rushingwind
Description: CDs for sale, audio and video samples, performance schedule, biographical information


Timothy J.P. Gomez
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, photos, CDs, videos

Tony Duncan
Description: Biographical information, video samples, Estun-Bah ensemble, CDs, testimonials, Yellow

Bird Dancers, performance schedule, picture gallery

Vicki Logan
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, video and audio samples, press information

Vince Redhouse
Description: Biographical information, CDs, flutes for sale, miscellaneous merchandise, photo gallery,

Wind People Music education program information, videos, performance schedule

Performers of the Irish Flute and Whistle

Brendyn Montgomery
Description: Biographical information, CDs for sale, performance schedule, online courses, press, Avoca House Music, Web design

Chris Norman
Description: Irish flute performer, biography, press room, performance schedule, booking information,

retail shop

Conal Ó Gráda
Description: Traditional Irish flutist, biographical information, performance schedule, photos, video

samples, private lessons via Skype and in person, books and CDs for sale

Danú - Flutist: Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh
Description: Traditional music and song from Ireland. News, band biographical information, photos, performance schedule, CD for sale

Dervish - Flutist: Liam Kelly
Description: Magical Music from Ireland; biographical information, discography, performance schedule, reviews, news, videos and CDs for sale, press, photo gallery

Enda Seery
Description: Biography, CDs, audio samples, reviews, performance schedule

Flook - Flutists: Brian Finnegan and Sarah Allen
Description: The unique impact of this band stems from the wholly intuitive, almost symbiotic, exchange between the various flutes, frets, and skins. CDs for sale, performance schedule, press quotes, band biographical information

Kíla - Flute and tin whistle: Colm Ó Snodaigh; tin whistle and low whistle: Rossa Ó Snodaigh and Eoin Dillon
Description: Contemporary Irish Music - traditional meets Irish Rave and back again

Kilfenora Céilí Band - Flute and tin whistle: Anthony Quigney and Garry Shannon
Description: In the span of a century, entire countries rise and fall, cultures evolve, fashions transform. Yet, some have endured. There are those who still prevail and even prosper. One such icon, Ireland’s oldest céilí band, was born a century ago in the tiny village of Kilfenora.

Laura MacKenzie
Description: Irish and Scottish music and repertoire on wooden flutes and whistles; biography; performance schedule; videos; photo gallery; CDs for sale

Leo Mac Namara
Description: Irish flute and whistle performer from Scariff, County Clare, biographical information, video samples, performance schedule, photos, instruments used in performance

Liminal Duo - Irish flute and whistle: Dr. Andra Bohnet
Description: Celtic flute and bodhrán duo, video, performance schedule

Lúnasa - Flutist: Kevin Crawford; Whistles: Seán Smyth, Kevin Crawford, Cillian Vallely
Description: Tweets, news, band and individual biographical information, CDs for sale, performance schedule, blog, awards, press photos, reviews, video

Matt Molloy 
Description: Irish traditional flutist, biographical information, discography, interview, photo gallery

Na Rósaí - Flute and whistles: Conor O'Bryan
Description: Traditional Irish, Appalachian, Scottish, and Breton tunes and songs on fiddle, flute, uilleann pipes, bouzouki, and whistles; exploring the links between the musical traditions of the British Isles and North America by arranging tunes from the two regions with a traditional sensibility. 

Nuala Kennedy
Description: Scottish-based Irish traditional singer and flute player. As a performer, she weds a serious pedigree of musicianship and a deep understanding of the history of her native music, with a light-hearted musical spontaneity. The Irish Times described Nuala Kennedy as “a flute player and composer of

remarkable finesse, fearless of the unknown.”

Paddy Moloney with The Chieftains
Description: Performer of the Irish tin whistle and uilleann pipes; founder and leader of The Chieftains

Peatbog Fairies - Whistle and pipes: Peter Morrison
Description: CDs for sale, press, performance schedule, band biographies, photos, video samples

Skip Healy
Description: Irish flute and whistle performer, biographical information, performance schedule, Irish flute maker, CDs for sale, teaching and playing tips, testimonials, audio samples, awards, discography, resume, radio and TV appearances, press kit

Performers of Asian Flutes



Bronwyn Kirkpatrick

Description: Shakuhachi performer, biography, teacher, CDs for sale, composer, videos, audio files


G. S. Sachdev
Description: Bansuri master (classical Indian ragas), blog, performance schedule, CDs for purchase, DVD, private teaching, biographical information, photos

Kerry Leung
Description: Traditional Chinese musician: dizi, xiao, pipa, ruan, liu qin, er-hu, gau-hu, and hulusi. Biographical information, instrument gallery, audio and video samples

Marco Lienhard
Description: Performer of the shakuhachi, taiko, and shinobue, CDs for sale, biographical information, reviews, shakuhachi history, blog, audio and video samples, performance schedule, photos

Michael Gould (Chikuzen Studios)
Description: Master shakuhachi performer and teacher, lessons, discography, performance schedule,

profile, licenses, publications, videos, CDs, reviews, testimonials, flutes for sale, student profiles, links, publicity, tips, and blog

Nawang Khechog
Description: Tibetan bamboo flutist and composer, biographical information, book for sale, CDs available, press kit, performance schedule, projects, photo gallery, videos

Raman Kalyan
Description: South Indian Carnatic flutist, biographical information, press, recordings, videos, tour dates, photos

Riley Lee
Description: Shakuhachi performer, biographical information, discography, performance schedule, about

the shakuhachi, photos, CDs for sale, press quotes

Rodrigo Rodriquez
Description: Shakuhachi performer, biographical information, discography, lineage


Stan "Kakudo" Richardson (Mujuan Dojo)
Description: Shakuhachi performer, CDs for sale, audio samples, articles, biographical information, photo gallery, lessons available, lecture topics

Steve Gorn
Description: Bansuri player, biographical information, quotes, performance schedule, news highlights, recordings for sale, discography, videos

Cornelius Boots (Shinzen 深禅 Shakuhachi)
Description: Woodwind composer-performer, licensed shakuhachi master-teacher

Performers of Middle Eastern Flutes



Eliyahu and The Qadim Ensemble - Ney/Bansuri: Eliyahu Sills
Description: Flutist biography, ensemble biography, CDs for sale, videos, photos, performance schedule, reviews

Omar Faruk Tekbilek
Description: Performer of the ney, biography, performance schedule, CDs for sale, audio samples, downloadable music, press, reviews, photo gallery, videos, music scores and lyrics

Shesh Besh - Flutist: Yossi Arnheim; Nay: Alfred Hajjar
Description: The Arab-Jewish ensemble under the auspices of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (flute, violin, viola, oud, nay, Eastern violin, double bass, deff, darbuka)

Performers of South American Flutes


Enrique Rueda
Description: World music performer of unique instruments, multimedia artist, biography, art, video, great quena maker

Nayo Ulloa
Description: Performer of the quena, performance schedule, biography, photo gallery, press, bookings,

CDs for sale, audio samples

Performers of Maori Flutes



Richard Nunns
Description: Authority on nga taonga puoro (Maori traditional musical instruments), honors, in performance, Maori instrument photo gallery, CDs, workshops, keynote speaker, multimedia appearances, biographical information

Performers of African Flutes



Samite (Uganda)
Description: Biographical information, on-line store, performance schedule, his music used in films and television, outreach, photo gallery, blog

Performers of Slovakian Flutes



Bob Rychlik (video)
Description: Performer of overtone flutes, fujara, and koncovka

Winne Clement
Description: Instrument maker and performer: fujara, overtone flutes, single and double shepherd flutes, satara, Moldavian kavals, Native American-style flutes, experimental flutes

Performers of Multiple World Flutes



Bobb Fantuazzo
Description: Performer of Native American flutes, Chinese xiao, quena, Moroccan lira; performance schedule, CDs for sale, JazZen ensemble, reviews

Didier Malherbe
Description: Performer of bansuri flutes, ocarinas, duduk, soprano saxophone, Laotian khen; member of

the Hadouk Quartet, CDs and DVDs for sale, discography, biographical information, poetry, video

samples, photos

Gary Stroutsos
Description: Jazz silver flute, Chinese xiao and dizi, Native American flute; biographical information, discography, CDs, DVDs, and books for sale, video samples, performance schedule, press kit

Dr. Jessica Valiente

Description: Global Flute Studio;  Biography, flute lessons, studio news


Joanne Lazzaro
Description: Performer of concert (silver) flute, piccolo, alto and bass flutes, Native American flutes, shakuhachi/shakulute, recorder, bansuri, Irish flute, suling, ocarina, quena, xun, pan-flute. Biographical information, audio and video samples, CDs for sale, performance schedule, media press kit, reviews, Los Angeles World Flute Circle calendar

Joseph L. Young
Description: Performer of Native American flutes, single and drone; Chinese xiao and hulusi; Anasazi, Mojave, and rim-blown flutes; Irish penny whistle; Slovakian fujara; suling; ocarinas; and saxophone. Biography, performance schedule, audio and video samples, and CDs for sale. Lessons available through Skype, in person, and group workshops

Monica Williams
Description: Performer of Native American-style flutes, silver flutes, and bamboo flutes; audio samples, biography, teaching news, Flock of Flutes flute choir, CDs for sale, performance calendar, photos

Peter Phippen
Description: Performer of shakuhachi, bansuri, ney, quenacho, quena, tarka, panpipes, African transverse bamboo flutes and hunter's whistles, Haitian bamboo flutes, suling, Korean danso, Chinese dizi and xiao, kaval, rim-blown flutes, Filipino nose flutes, overtone flutes of Norway, Papua New Guinea, and Eastern Europe, Austrian schwegelpfeife, recorder, 19th century one-key American boxwood flutes

Rhonda Larson
Description: Grammy winning flutist; composer; world flutist formerly with the Paul Winter Consort;

plays the western European gold flute, Native American flutes, panpipes, seljefløyte, crystal flutes, Irish whistles, Indian bansuri, and ocarinas; performance schedule; biographical information; CDs and sheet

music for sale; private lessons available; video and audio samples; press kit; blog; Ventus ensemble information

Ron Bracale
Description: Performed of the shakuhachi, Native American-style flute, Ancient Pueblo-style flute, and other
world flutes; CDs for sale, sound samples

Ron Korb
Description: Canadian flutist; plays concert flutes, bamboo flutes, bass flute, Irish whistles, Chinese dizi,

and more than 250 indigenous world flutes; biographical information; CDs, DVDs, MP3s, and sheet

music for sale; blog; photos; videos; performance schedule


Sandro Friedrich
Description: Studio musician, composer, and performer of more than 100 ethnic flutes; biographical information; instrument descriptions and audio samples; video samples; photos; references of film, CDs

live performances, and video games; press reviews; awards


Sound Oasis Trio - World Flutes and Woodwinds: Cornell Kinderknecht
Description: Music that feeds the soul, mixing world music with jazz and New Age; music that springs

from an apothecary of woodwinds, keyboard (Cynthia Stuart), and drums (Martin McCall); new CD available; audio samples

Steafan Hannigan
Description: Performer of whistles and low whistles, flutes, ney, and other world instruments; biographical information; press kit; recordings; lessons; photo gallery; session musician; sound engineer; teacher; storyteller

Stephen Darnell

Description: Performer of the Native American-style flute, Irish whistle, didgeridoo, Armenian duduk, shakuhachi, and moyo drum; sound samples, biography, photo gallery

Suzanne Teng
Description: Performer of the Chinese dizi, Turkish ney and zurna, Indian bansuri, Indonesian suling, panpipes, recorders, pennywhistles, Native American flute, ocarinas, flutes from Africa and Eastern

Europe, and double reed instruments from Egypt

Performers of Ocarinas


Cris Gale
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, news update, media, photos, lesson information, ocarinas and CDs for sale

Performers of Pan Flutes


Jean-Calude Mara
Description: Original pan flute improvisor from France; biographical information, CDs available, Mara Productions

Kevin Budd
Description: Canadian musician building and playing pan flutes and silver flute for more than 20 years; pan flutes for sale, booking information, CD for sale, Papageno flutes, advice and facts, audio samples

Liselotte Rokyta
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, instruction available, CDs for sale, photos, audio samples

Peder Rizzi
Description: Pan flutist, educator, instructor, composer, and concert performer from Switzerland

Radu Nechifor
Description: Romanian pan flute player and builder; biographical information, video and audio samples,

pan flute shop

Ulrich Herkenhoff
Description: German pan flute virtuoso; performance schedule, CDs for sale, CD reviews, audio samples, video samples, photo gallery, press kit



Performers of Silver Flutes/Classical Flutes


Nestor Torres
Description: Jazz/Latin jazz flutist, multiple Grammy nominee, and Grammy Award winning flutist, holds two honorary doctorates

Peter Sheridan
Description: Specialist in low flutes (bass, contrabass, and sub-contrabass), CDs for sale, performing artist

on Move Records, Australia's longest running classical music label, biographical information, audio

samples, performance/appearance schedule, compositions for low flutes, reviews, photos, press kit

Sherry Finzer
Description: Biographical information, performance schedule, audio and video samples, photo gallery, reviews, CDs for sale

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